Radiology Across Borders is an Australian charity that saves lives, every single day. We do this by focussing on education. Sharing knowledge that developing nation doctors simply don't have access to, and the results are startling.Lives are saved not when we visit, but every day thereafter, and as the knowledge is passed on it has an exponential affect - because when you have the ability to save a life, you have the responsibility to do so.EDUCATION - SAVES LIVESWe teach radiology techniques to developing nation doctors, increasing survival rates from a number of easily treatable injuries, diseases & illnesses.EQUIPMENT - ENABLES EDUCATIONWe donate computers to overseas health centres, allowing doctors to learn life-saving techniques through our seminars, and we provide modern imaging equipment, when funding permits, enabling previously impossible assessment of injury & disease. PARTNERSHIPS - EXTEND OUR REACHWe partner with specialist organisations to extend our reach, saving more lives, in more locations, more often.AND WE NEED HELP TO CONTINUE People are dying of easily preventable diseases, right now, only a few hours from us here in Sydney. - - - - It's like having the cure for cancer, and not being able to use it.So please help. Please get in touch. Every dollar helps.To donate, or find out about corporate sponsorship opportunities, click below:More details: