Marketing Associate at The Rizal Academy for Innovation and Leadership - Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines
TRAIL is an educational initiative from leaders of Business, Civil Society and Government intended to offer executive training programs and technical support for change agents and innovative leaders, wishing to continue Rizal's work for structural reforms which he started in Dapitan. Like Rizal, students enrolled in TRAIL will think up creative solutions to address the root causes for the current economic, ecological, social and spiritual crises facing the world today.TRAIL is the local partner of the Presencing Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, a global awareness-based action research university for profound societal innovation and change.Vision-MissionLast June 19, 2011, the country commemorated the 150th birthday of our National Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. Although much has been written about his life, not much attention has been given to Dr. Rizal as a visionary and a man ahead of his time, a global learner who applied his learnings locally for the benefit of his country, and a systems thinker who saw the world as an emerging whole, with interdependent parts. We still have much to learn from this exemplary Filipino.TRAIL aims to create tri-sectoral change agents and innovative leaders working on solutions to help transform people, the nation, and the world.The premiere change consultancy in the Philippines, specializing in leadership transformation programs, executive training and coaching, and technical support based on the world-renowned framework of the Learning Organization (Dr. Peter M. Senge) and Theory U Innovation Lab (Dr. Claus Otto Scharmer).Works with business, government, agencies, schools, and NGOs in creating cultures of learning and innovation to succeed and thrive in the 21st century.Global Affiliations:Global Association of SoL Communities (GASC)Presencing Insititute, MIT-CambridgeWorld Institute of Action Learning