Sakara Care was created with the mission to bring the community quality and reliable supports and services that are tailored to each individual. Sakara means "thoughts become things", and we believe in bringing to life the supports you truly want and need. We understand each individual has different needs and we work hard to ensure these needs are met. We specialise in mental health, justice & psychosocial disabilities. At Sakara Care, we ensure our team are suitably trained to work with each participant, and offer regular ongoing training to uphold our quality services and supports. We offer supports to NDIS participants and upon enquiry, we will discuss in detail with you your support needs and create a care plan accordingly.Our supports include social and community supports, assistance with every day activities, supported independent living and accommodation (SIL), domestic assistance and yard maintenance. Sakara Care currently cover all of Sydney Metropolitan, Greater Sydney, The Illawarra, Southern Highlands and Goulburn Regions and very quickly expanding. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you.