Manager: Operations And Sales & Marketing, The Startup Of The Year 2018 at Farmchimp - Dubai, ,
Getting good, quality food is becoming increasingly difficult. From the modern farming methodologies focusing on quantity and profitability to complex distribution systems making use of long-storage facilities to control demand and prices, quality seems to be the least of anyone's concern.This thought worried us. We started discussions on how to do things better to get food at fair prices without compromising on quality - and so FarmChimp was born!Winner of Etisalat UAE Startup of the Year 2018 Award, FarmChimp brings you quality natural produce from hand-picked farmers straight to your doorsteps. These farmers are hand-picked by our team. They are well know in their field for their use of natural and traditional farming methods and their efforts to conserve and promote of these practices.FarmChimp supports these farmers through fair price and further guarantees the quality through Source Traceability. Every product can be traced back to the farmer who produced it along with information on the farm location, farming methods used, etc.FarmChimp is more than just about bringing natural products to its customers - it's about our health and future, and also about meeting the people who bring it to us. We also understand the importance of teaching these great values and traditions to our future generations so that they too can enjoy a great life.