Established in January 2018, the Youth@Work Strategic Partnership on Youth Employability and Entrepreneurship is an institutional alliance of 11 Erasmus+ National Agencies (NAs), 4 SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres (SALTOs), as well as the Resource Centre for the European Solidarity Corps. Youth@Work intent to create synergies between different activities and support measures organised in the areas of youth employability and entrepreneurship in the context of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps EU Programmes. The focus is on supporting how Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps can be used as an instrument to foster youth employability and entrepreneurship, and to reinforce networking and exchange of practices among the countries and EU partner regions covered by the partnership.The objectives of Youth@Work are to:• Provide visibility and enhance the role of youth work in the youth employ- ability and entrepreneurship ecosystems.• Support the contribution of Erasmus+ towards the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027), and other European youth employability and entrepreneurship-related policies.• Strengthen the cooperation and synergies between local, regional, national and EU initiatives on youth employability and entrepreneurship, and support peer learning.• Increase the development of sustainable partnerships, good practice, qual- ity projects and foster innovation.• Reinforce the contribution of youth work and of Erasmus+ , particularly the acquisition of competences and recognition among our target groups.• Enhance understanding and promote the use of EntreComp, DigComp and other European competence frameworks to be developed by the European Commission, as well as of Youthpass.