Love & Spice, is a traveling Gastropub that features "out of the box" events where adults can immerse themselves into elevated cuisine, craft cocktails, leisure and a touch of fantasy. By igniting all five senses – plus a dash of our signature sass – we bring together the best elements available creating unique, memorable experiences with a playful irreverence. Our goal is to remind our guests that Life is better when we're having fun, surrounded by love, beauty, and when we let down our guard long enough to truly connect with one another. Whether you are a restaurateur or hotelier who needs to re-energize your venue, a party planner or host who wants to wow your guests, or the producer of an iconic event who needs to make a statement with one of our signature pop-ups – we are here to prove that life gets better and sexier with our unique recipe of Authentic Ingredients, a Blend of Love & Spice… and one must never forget a Pinch of Salt.