eAcademy is organizer of Webit Congress - the only global event for digital, telco, IT & entrepreneurial ecosystem with special focus on NEW emerging markets. It takes place in vibrant city of Istanbul where in 2012 we gathered digital, telco and innovation pioneers, investors, entrepreneurs, government representatives and C-levels delegates from 2563 companies. A total of 6209 delegates from 72 countries! e-Academy provides an unique platform for the market players of the digital and internet markets of new emerging markets to exchange ideas, business expertise and possibilities and also for the rest of the world to enter the regional digital markets, to find partners and explore new business opportunities. eAcademy is the organizer of Webit Congress. Webit 2012 gathered digital, telco and innovation pioneers, investors, entrepreneurs, government representatives and C-levels from global leading companies such as Google, Facebook, PayPal, Adobe, Yandex, IBM and many more. Webit entrepreneur''s part gathered together huge number of entrepreneurs and exciting projects from whole EMEA as well as great portfolio of venture capitals and investors. Webit 2012 was all about bridging the gaps! And we are now ready for Webit 2013 on 6-th and 7-th of November! eAcademy is also organizing many professional trainings in digital area. e-Academy is a professional qualification training center for digital studies.