PhD Student at Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) - Jena, Thuringia, Germany
Human aging is a multifactorial process controlled by both environmental and genetic factors. Our mission is to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie the aging process and that lead to age-related diseases. We hope that eventually this knowledge can contribute to a more healthy aging of people. The central question we are aiming at answering is«What are the mechanisms that lead to the development of tissue dysfunction and diseases in the elderly?».Answering this question will contribute to the extension of healthy lifespan, thus minimizing the burdens on society and the individual, and enriching our society's future development by the wealth of knowledge and experience that is the gift of the older generation.In 2003, with Professor Peter Herrlich as Scientific Director, the institute developed a new research mission centered on the mechanisms of aging and age-related disease. Former "Institute for Molecular Biotechnology (IMB)" was renamed "Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)" and thereby became the first national research institute in Germany dedicated to broad biomedical research on aging. In 2012, internationally renowned stem cell expert Professor Karl Lenhard Rudolph joined the FLI as new Scientific Director, bringing with him an emphasis on the molecular, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of stem cell aging and the diminishment of organ maintenance during aging. Since then, the FLI has been the only research institute in Germany focussing on this increasingly important research field. In 2015, the institute's name was modified to better define its research focus: Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI).