A highly skilled and experienced coach and owner of Think Healthy Be Healthy, I help clients to restore their health and take back control of their lives. Clients come to me for a wide range of health related reasons including healthy sustainable weight loss, building a healthy relationship with food, overcoming cravings, self-esteem, stress, sleep, grief and many more. My approach is based on changing habits and behaviours, removing limiting beliefs and emotional blocks and replacing unhelpful coping strategies with healthier, more beneficial ones. As making changes to deeply engrained thinking and habits can be difficult, I use powerful techniques of transformational change and personal excellence including coaching, NLP, hypnosis, Emotrance (Emotional Transformation) and EMI (Eye Movement Integration) - the latter two techniques being great for sensitive or highly upsetting/deep rooted emotional issues as no details are needed of the issue itself in order to resolve it.Absolute confidentiality is assured,Please feel free to get in touch for an initial free no-obligation confidential chat.