CertAptitude LLC provides critical information via Windows 8.1 applications and Trainer conducted training for aspirants hoping to achieve professional certification, e.g. RMP & PMP® (Risk Management Professional and Project Management Professional) Drawing on the insights of the leaders in their respective industries, CertAptitude ensures that study materials are effective, clear and grounded in the information essential to certification. We do this by using the latest technology, and building on the capabilities that make information available at one's fingertips. Through a combination of high-quality graphics, challenging questions, and a variety of structures, CertAptitude makes information accessible, and, more importantly, memorable for certification aspirants. We are also committed to keeping the information affordable for those who wish to pursue professional certification, but have to do so on a budget. Our vision is to build a library of certification applications over the years that are both current and expansive. And we intend to achieve recognition in the marketplace not just through design, but through the successes of our customers.