ÐлавнÑй иÑполниÑелÑнÑй диÑекÑÐ¾Ñ at Geodesy, Mine Survey and Aerial Topography / Геодезия. Маркшедерия. Аэросъемка - , ,
12-13 February 2015, Moscow\\The Conference "Geodesy, Mine Survey and Aerial Photography. At the turn of the centuries" is a key platform for interaction of digital geoinformation technology specialists. The organizing committee is preparing this conference in cooperation with all participants, so, each of you is not only a participant but also a co-organizer. The result of the conference depends on all us. And the organizers will make their best efforts to provide all participants with the opportunity to speak, share experience, and express their opinion. It is important that everybody could learn something new at the conference, get a competent consultation and also make new friends.\\The agenda of the Conference is arranged in the form of four break-out sessions:\•The main directions and trends in the geoinformatic market of in Russia and abroad.\•State of the art technologies and methods of geospatial data acquisition.\•The latest technologies of processing of geospatial data.\•Research work and practical experience of collecting and processing of geospatial data.\•Programs for training and retraining of specialists in collecting and processing of geospatial data.\\The Conference will be attended by leading Russian and foreign geodesists and surveyors, system integrators and services providers, specialists of leading design and research institutes, representatives of educational institutions, manufacturers of modern equipment and software. The Conference will receive wide coverage in the main Russian and foreign branch media portals.