Community Choice Partners helps local governments initiate or enhance their Municipal Aggregation or Community Choice Aggregation programs, with a focus on renewable and distributed energy resources. Our consultants have been retained by the Sonoma Clean Power, the County of Los Angeles, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, the City of San Diego, and the California Energy Commission. Community Choice Aggregation is a game-changing energy deregulation law that gives local governments (towns, cities and counties) the authority to pool every customer in their territory, and arrange for the provision of electricity and/or natural gas on their behalf. The incumbent utility continues to own and operate the distribution grid, but the local government chooses the source(s) of the energy supply. Customers are automatically enrolled but may choose to leave the program at any time.These programs can lower energy costs and achieve local policy goals at the scale of a utility, and may be started relatively quickly without exposing the local government to financial risks. As such, the programs are increasingly popular and currently serve approximately 14 million people (~5% of the US population). It is allowed under state law in MA, OH, CA, RI, IL, and NJ, and being considered in PA and NY.