Dinnington High school is an ambitious, exciting and thriving school that seeks to drive its continued success upon the principle of ‘One and All'. We are committed to each and every individual and through their academic and personal growth the school gains its identity and achievement. We seek to create a vibrant learning community where young people can thrive and develop their personal and academic skills. Our aim is to develop young people who are reflective independent learners, ambitious and aspirational and who can go on to make a full and positive contribution in life. We expect the highest standard of behavior at all times and seek to create an environment where students are safe, happy and able to take up the opportunities that a large secondary school can offer. During your child's time at Dinnington, our aim will be to develop a strong positive partnership ensuring the highest professional standards in terms of teaching and support. Dinnington : 'One and All'Are you a former student of Dinnington Comprehensive School? Visit www.futurefirst.org.uk to sign up to our alumni database.Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and now Vine!