Our primary goal at Customs Connect is to deliver real, measurable savings opportunities to all of our clients. No matter the size or location of our client, or the challenges they present us with - the Customs Connect ethos stays the same: We focus on unveiling hidden opportunities to save your business money. Bringing together over 200 years of combined experience with our state-of-the-art technology, the range of services we offer are designed to maximise your profit. Each of our specific services have been developed in partnership with our clients and are tailored to match the needs of each business we work with. Classification: We develop classification arguments for high value, high duty spend imports via the BTI application process.Autonomous Duty Suspensions: We review your non-EU imported goods, raw materials or components with a view to justifying a duty suspension application that could reduce the duty paid to zero.Customs Planning: We identify customs planning opportunities that both improve import processes and reduce customs duty costs, by looking at customs values, origin and implementing customs procedures.Customs Compliance: We can help to reduce the risk of customs compliance errors that give rise to penalties and supply chain delays.Brexit Advisory Services: Brexit modelling tracks developments during the Brexit process, providing transparency on likely customs duty costs implications.VAT: We manage VAT liabilities and processes throughout the EU and pinpoint potential cash flow improvements.Export Control Compliance: We mitigate your compliance risk and ensure that your export control processes are being efficiently managed.Contact us: info@customsconnect.eu or +44 (0)845 519 0878