Freelance Recruiter / Management Consultant / Headhunter / Talent Search Specialist
We help organizations achieve sustainable growth in Profitability & Customer Care. We believe in maximizing benefits realization to our customers through measures devised to add value and better relationship management.Our services are categorized under a number of Service Groups. Each Service Group is led by experienced professionals who master their area of expertise with a number of years of experience. The team members selected for these Service Groups are selected from our stringent and effective screening process that ensures quality and reliability for our Valued Customers.SERVICE GROUPS■ EXECUTIVE TALENT SEARCH■ ANTECEDENT VERIFICATION SERVICES■ TRAININGS■ MANAGEMENT & OD CONSULTANCY SERVICES■ OUTSOURCINGSERVICE GROUP – EXECUTIVE TALENT SEARCH√ Defining the job profile√ Searching the appropriate profile according to specific needs of client√ Screening and pre-assessment by Interviews and tests√ Short list the most suited candidates√ Scheduling Interview(s) as per client availability√ Negotiation & job offer on behalf of clientSERVICE GROUP – ANTECEDENT VERIFICATION SERVICES√ Educational Document Verification (Local & International)√ Previous Employment (Local / International)√ CNIC & License Verification√ Reference Verification√ Residence Verification