Our ambition is for chart biotech to contribute towards the sustainability of the Biotechnology industry. The bio-based society is not science fiction anymore. Transforming "bio-ideas" into products, business, is a win-win event: the inventors can see their idea "happening", well-thought bio-based business are sustainable, within a sustainable setting. Sustainability and improving human quality of life are the outcomes of a strong Biotech Industry.chart Biotech works on the interface between research and the product. With over 20 years of experience in applied science, technology transfer and licensing and business development, in business and public institutes. This experience is embedded in chart Biotech, and put at your service. chart biotech supports Biotech companies of all sizes and guises, in charting a way forward within: - strategy: we can be your sounding board, at early project stages, and we can outline a detailed growth strategy if your company is entering a new area - marketing: we will provide feedback on your marketing plan, we can work with you in outlining and implementing your marketing strategy - product strategy: we can help you implementing your vision for product growth, individually, and as a pipeline - network building: your research network, your network of potential users, of potential collaborators in the development of your company, your subcontractors..."it takes a village" to bring forward a product and we can help you build the right connections. Talk with chart about how your idea may become reality. Email sanchaATchartbio.eu