Romagna, Italy - Machine Learning Engine at proceedit "the BPM process'​ factory"​ - Kingston Estates, NJ, US
Multinational Technology Cluster co-developing and co-distributing the largest World's catalogue of reusable "prêt-a-porter" BPM processes, along with its associated products and services, under a very innovative business model that eliminates all type of barriers and brakes to our partners and their end customers.Our value proposition is:- Provide all BPM solutions almost ready to use and customizable (prêt-à-porter), - developed on any open technology BPMS-SOA (vendors' independence), - with no risk or obligation (risk-free try & buy or try & lease) for the End Customer, - at an affordable Usage License price (low-cost), - consuming only what is required at each time (on-demand) - and with a 10 % royalty as monetary return $! to the End Customer (pay-back).Guarantied. We provide full cloud computing service of our BPM-RPA automated business solutions for a cost less than 25 % of the tangible savings obtained by their end users.