NMR Specialist at Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences - Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
The Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences came into existence in 2017 based upon the merger of the two previous hungarian expert institute, the former Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences (Bűnügyi Szakértői és Kutatóintézet) and the Network of Forensic Sciences Institutes (Igazságügyi Szakértői és Kutató Intézetek).The organisational concept behind the merger was to unite the advantages of the different leading systems of the former institutes (regional management and central staff in NFSI and the managment system based on field of expertise in HIFS).Beyond the functional staff and the central departments seated in Budapest, HIFS currently includes 11 regional institutes, whose experts are under control of the competent central department. With this new organisation chart HIFS is capable of covering the entire country in its expert competence.HIFS proceeds expert opinions in 10 central departments and 11 regional institutes, and operates within the confines of this organisation a network of regional drug laboratories (Budapest, Debrecen, Győr, Pécs, Szeged and Veszprém) and blood alcohol laboratories (Budapest, Győr, Szolnok and Veszprém).HIFS's duty as a national task is to provide expert opinions after the appointment of the expert in those cases, where the probative proceedings are obligatory or possible by the law in authority proceeding. HIFS is also capable of providing expert opinions on orders of citizens and other officials.The experts in HIFS function in 70 different field of expertise - according to the decree of the minister of justice No. 9/2006. (II. 27.) on the competencies of the forensic experts, and the related qualificational and other professional conditions.HIFS's duty as a national task is to provide expert opinions after the appointment of the expert in those cases, where the probative proceedings are obligatory or possible by the law in authority proceeding. HIFS is also capable of providing expert opinions on orders of citizens and other officials.The experts in HIFS function in 70 different field of expertise - according to the decree of the minister of justice No. 9/2006. (II. 27.) on the competencies of the forensic experts, and the related qualificational and other professional conditions.(source: http://nszkk.gov.hu/en/about)