The Bureau of Business (The Bureau) is a national creative and branding agency specialising in marketing, public relations, media relations, communications and event management. We are experts in Food, Fashion, Retail, Lifestyle & Destination brands.We offer small to medium sized businesses a unique service that combines best-in-class marketing, public relations, events management and communications expertise to make brands matter in a complex and hyper-connected world.At The Bureau, we believe the best competitive advantage our clients can have over their competitors is having strong brands. That's why The Bureau's philosophy is to ‘bring brands to life'. It's at the forefront of everything we do for our clients and drives every decision we make. When does a brand ‘matter'? When it anticipates the needs of its consumers.Our modern team of marketing and branding experts work with brands find their meaning, and purpose and seek new ways of engaging with customers, employees and shareholders to communicate the brand's story. We aim to touch the hearts and minds of those who come into contact with it.We bring brands to life. To find out more, visit: SOON : The Mind of Femme Over the coming months, we will launch our fabulous Women's platform, The Mind of Femme. This will be the destination where we explore themes women care about. To find out more, visit our website: for details