Sandra Atef

Finance Specialist at Ted Solar - , Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Sandra Atef's Colleagues at Ted Solar
Ahmed Elmoeen

Technical Operation Head

Contact Ahmed Elmoeen

Kyrillos Wilson

Head of Financial Accounting

Contact Kyrillos Wilson

Sandra Atef's Contact Details
Cairo,Cairo Governorate,Egypt
Ted Solar
Sandra Atef's Company Details
Ted Solar logo, Ted Solar contact details

Ted Solar

, Cairo Governorate, Egypt • 7 Employees
Electrical/electronic Manufacturing

OUR VISIONWith an eye on protecting the environment from thehazardous effects of using polluting non-renewable powersources and empowering customers against the rising costsof electricity and diesel, TED Solar provides clean andefficient transition to solar energy for residential, industrial,commercial and agriculture use, making use of Egypt'sabundant year round sunshine. TED believes the individualenergy choices each of us make today have a direct andlasting impact on the strength of the economy, and thehealth of the environment. OUR MISIONTED Solar offers clean and cheap solar energy tohomeowners, businesses, agriculture fields, schools,non-profit and government organizations by providinga seamless and hassle-free switch between solarenergy and energy generated by burning fossil fuelslike diesel, oil and natural gas.OUR VALUEInnovationWe continually enhance ourtechnology portfolio andimprove our service executionthrough education, rigorousproduct reviews andcompetitive mar-ketassessments.HonestyWe are upfront and openabout our approach to solarenergy and strive to helpour customers understandeach step of the process. IntegrityWe take pride in our businessethic and in green energytechnologies. We worktogether with our customerseach step of the way torealize optimal electricityproduction and to meetexpectations.Reliability Our solar energy arraysintegrate the best-in-classtechnologies and are developedby experiencedprofession-als that deliverprojects on time and

Details about Ted Solar
Frequently Asked Questions about Sandra Atef
Sandra Atef currently works for Ted Solar.
Sandra Atef's role at Ted Solar is Finance Specialist.
Sandra Atef's email address is *** To view Sandra Atef's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sandra Atef works in the Electrical/electronic Manufacturing industry.
Sandra Atef's colleagues at Ted Solar are Ahmed Elmoeen, Kyrillos Wilson, Ramy Toufils, Amir Tuodor, George Wadie and others.
Sandra Atef's phone number is
See more information about Sandra Atef