We are Beyond Abilities Centre (BAC), our mandate is to assist those people where physical disability restricts their quality of life, whether the disabled individuals themselves or their family members.OUR MISSION – To maximize functionality of all individuals regardless of age or ability.OUR VISION – To provide opportunities for people with disabilities of all ages, by bridging the gap between funding and services.ABOUT US – Our organization was founded by parents of children with physical disabilities, working with physiotherapists assisting them in their journey. Founded in 2005, we became a registered charity in 2010 and worked with families and agencies across southern Ontario to improve daily living experiences for people in similar circumstances. Our central belief is that people with disabilities must be respected and given equal opportunity in every domain in life.Our Board of Directors consists of people who are experienced with physical disability, and therefore we are very conversant with the needs and desires of this specialized area. Our volunteers show their commitment to helping all members of our community participate to the fullest extent they can. And our sponsors put their resources on the table for us to demonstrate their belief in our cause.Physical disability impacts mobility, home environment, financial well-being, and social interaction in ways that society cannot always effectively address; the people behind BAC have direct experience in these arenas, and we want to assist the community in acquiring and financing the resources necessary to facilitate a better quality of life and maximize the ability of those with physical disabilities to reach their full potential in their lives and in society as a whole.In support of this, we will continue to do fundraising events such as music concerts, golf tournaments, euchre tournaments, and other such community activities, as well as pursue corporate charitable contributions.