we are a non profit organization that works with underprivileged communities to promote access to Education for children in North India, specifically in Rishikesh. It started three years ago with a dream looking for ways to help some children, some families and at the same time, showing children in other parts of the world the spirituality of the Indian and to these, bring them the material help that they need. Now, we work broadly in three sectors, Education, Livelihood and Awareness. We channelize resources to the ones that have an important social impact. We work with children and women and our work reach their communities transforming the lives of them.The direct beneficiaries of our programs are children. The objective of all the components of the program is to avoid child labor, achieve their full integration and that, endowed with quality training, these children can opt for a better future for themselves and their Community. From Spain, we also work for the development of spirituality and awareness since childhood.We bring Teachers and school supplies to Villages where children do not have access to education. Our achievement is that there are already more than 300 children who can develop their skills and abilities and contribute to the development of their Community and society. We send educational materials (pencils, notebooks, books) and basic personal belongings (brushes and toothpaste, combs, shoes, clothes) to 10 schools. We refurbished with minor works the conditioning of two-day care centers that house 30 children. Every year after the heavy rain season after the monsoon, we carried out the rehabilitation of the spaces allocated to schools. We provide artistic training to children, avoiding child labor of children living in disadvantaged areas. Today more than 120 boys and girls join our Space with Art. We help the inclusion of women by providing opportuniopportunities to learn, earn income with those who contribute to the family economy.