Everything started with the idea to establish a profitable cooperation between companies, students and young professionals with one great goal: achieve best possible results by qualified business support from which both sides would benefit.Therefore univativ provides a suitable basis: We offer a pool of hand picked young potentials who stand out due to their excellent technical know how and their extraordinary commitment. We are able, at any time, to bridge short-term bottlenecks in a flexible way and at a reasonable price to take over business processes and tasks in the IT service area on our own responsibility or to develop complex and innovative business solutions.Besides the head office in Darmstadt, univativ has branches in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Munich and Stuttgart.The univativ GmbH will not participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board in terms of the VSBG and is not obliged to do so.Here you can find our imprint https://www.univativ.com/de/sonstige/impressum/ and our privacy policy https://www.univativ.com/de/sonstige/datenschutz/