Office Mgr / Finances / Color Consultation at StudioConover - , California, United States
Building Contexture. StudioConover is a cross-discipline design studio specializing in Integrated Brand Strategies, Architectural Consultation and Product Consultation for the Built Environment. Contexture is defined as: "the arrangement and union of the constituent parts of anything or any structure". Contexture is an apt description for the work and services StudioConover provides. The physical presence of texture is an ever-present expression throughout each project we work on — either graphically or architecturally. Much of our process involves working texture within, and throughout, the context of anything we are working on.Whether we're selecting a specific brick shape, stucco color or tile installation pattern for a residential community or commercial development; or referencing an archaic woodtype letterform, contemplating the coarseness of cement or paper, texture remains a predominant underlying component simply because it is so representative of the products and projects we work on.The formula has always been there. But it's anything but formulaic. Conover + Texture = Contexture. Building Contexture is the perfect phrase for what we do. It describes how it shapes our design process, what we strive for, and now, what we declare.