Anticipate Ventures works closely with and in between inventors, entrepreneurs, corporates, National Labs, universities, hospitals and investors to improve their tech transfer opportunities. Innovative technologies are often deemed too risky for end users to fund. Anticipate Ventures reduces the risks for both innovators and prospective commercialization partners by incubating innovation with the right strategic plan, resources, network, environment, investment and small business contract or grant funding to complete the critical research, development and demonstration milestones needed to reduce the risks associated with commercializing the technologies.We are commercializing game changing technologies in Healthcare, Autonomous Vehicles, AgTech, E-commerce, FinTech and Artificial Intelligence. Our current innovation portfolio is comprised of: - Aware Vehicles developing real-time situational awareness for autonomous vehicles;- Far UV Technologies, providing unparalleled disinfection and food shelf life extension; and- Pick The Time, an artificial intelligence driven customer acquisition web and mobile app for reservation based businesses. - RnDExchange, an outsourcing marketplace for research and development equipment and services.