The Jamaican Bar Association was formed on the 16th January 1973. It is a voluntary organisation comprised of Attorneys-at-Law called to the Jamaican Bar. The objectives of the Jamaican Bar Association are to:- Strive for the maintenance and strengthening of the Rule of Law and Human Rights;- Protect the independence of Judges and Attorneys-at-Law;- Work towards law reform and the improvement of our legal system;- Offer service to our system of justice and to those in need or our aid and protection;- Foster basic and continuing legal education; and- Promote the integrity and good name of the legal profession in Jamaica.Membership is voluntary and as at April 2013, there were over 1,000 members.The Association is not a regulatory or disciplinary body. It has no power to hear complaints against Attorneys, even if they are members of the Association.ADMINISTRATIONThe Association is administered by a Council comprising a President, Vice- President, Immediate Past President (where appropriate) and twenty (20) Council members. The Executive of Council comprises the President, The Vice-President, The Hon. Treasurer, The Hon. Secretary, The Assistant Treasurer and the Assistant Secretary. The three (3) Regional Bar Associations may have one observer each on Council.The Executive – 2014-2015Mr. Donovan C. Walker - PresidentMrs. Sherry-Ann McGregor – Vice-PresidentMr. Ian Wilkinson, Q.C. – Immediate Past PresidentMs. Althea McBean – SecretaryMr. Maurice Manning – Assistant SecretaryMrs. Jacqueline Cummings - TreasurerMrs. Daniella Gentles Silvera – Assistant TreasurerMs. Sandra Tapper – General Manager