fond du lac county asthma coalition coordinator at Fond du Lac County - Fond du Lac, WI, US
With its landscape of rolling countryside, lush forests and sparkling lakeshores, Fond du Lac County offers endless opportunities for the year-round outdoor enthusiast. Incorporated on April 1, 1839, Fond du Lac County currently has a population of approximately 101,633. The city of Fond du Lac is situated on the shores of Lake Winnebago, which at 220 square miles is Wisconsin's largest inland lake. Fond du Lac County is a leader in the State of Wisconsin in its economic development efforts. The County has used innovative approaches supporting business retention, business expansion and business attraction. The County provides a wide variety of services including: maintaining a quality highway system, supporting a modern county airport, supporting a private sector effort to expand wireless broadband to almost all areas of the County, supporting higher education by providing facilities for the University of Wisconsin-Fond du Lac, continuously upgrading our parks and trails systems for the enjoyment of our residents and visitors, and continue to enhance public safety departments to assist them to better serve and protect the public. The County also provides quality services to our children, our elderly, and to our disabled citizens. Fond du Lac County works diligently to ensure the region is a great place to live, to work, to visit, and to do business.