marketing and outreach program manager, whole planet foundation at WHOLE PLANET FOUNDATION - AUSTIN, TX, US
Programs Manager - Whole Foods Team Member Giving & North America Microfinance Portfolio
Whole Planet Foundation was founded in 2005 to give back to places around the world where Whole Foods Market sourced products. After meeting Muhammad Yunus, CEO of Whole Foods Market, John Mackey, realized how the vehicle of microcredit could reach millions of people with opportunities. Since 2005, the foundation has disbursed over $70 million through our network of microfinance partners in over 70 countries, including the United States.A microcredit loan is small: the average first microloan in Whole Planet Foundation's portfolio is $179. With this capital, a micro-entrepreneur can start or expand her own home-based business, enabling her to create profits which can be spent improving her home, sending her children to school, or growing her business further.100% of donations to Whole Planet Foundation fund microcredit loans to the world's poorest people, as Whole Foods Market covers the foundation's operating expenses.