Sang-Rae Lee

Sales Representative at LAPP Korea - Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Sang-Rae Lee's Colleagues at LAPP Korea
Suhyeong Ko

상무이사, Executive Director

Contact Suhyeong Ko

Sang-Rae Lee's Contact Details
(031) 697-4099
112,Seoul,Incheon,South Korea
LAPP Korea
Sang-Rae Lee's Company Details
LAPP Korea logo, LAPP Korea contact details

LAPP Korea

Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea • 14 Employees
Electrical/electronic Manufacturing

랍코리아(LAPP Korea)는 독일 슈튜트가르트에 본사를 둔 랍그룹의 한국 지사로 2000년 설립되었습니다. 랍그룹의 핵심가치인 가족적 사고, 혁신적 사고, 고객 지향적 사고, 성공 지향적 사고를 추구하며 현재 4개의 영업소와 18개의 대리점을 통해 국내 어느 지역에서든지 신속하게 고객의 요구를 해결하고 있습니다.

Details about LAPP Korea
Frequently Asked Questions about Sang-Rae Lee
Sang-Rae Lee currently works for LAPP Korea.
Sang-Rae Lee's role at LAPP Korea is Sales Representative.
Sang-Rae Lee's email address is *** To view Sang-Rae Lee's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sang-Rae Lee works in the Electrical/electronic Manufacturing industry.
Sang-Rae Lee's colleagues at LAPP Korea are Jinhyun Kim, Yonghae Hwang, Jennifer Jeong, Suhyeong Ko and others.
Sang-Rae Lee's phone number is (031) 697-4099
See more information about Sang-Rae Lee