Sangram Londe

Workflow Coordinator at Boomerang Global - Chandler, Arizona, United States

Sangram Londe's Contact Details
Boomerang Global
Sangram Londe's Company Details
Boomerang Global logo, Boomerang Global contact details

Boomerang Global

Chandler, Arizona, United States • 51 - 200 Employees
Hospital & Health Care

Boomerang Global is an end to end technology and transcription company that streamlines office, financial and administrative process that enables businesses to increase their profitability and focus on treating their patients. Our solutions are designed to better manage revenue streams and resources.Our key areas of focus are centered around increasing profitability, creating and implementing key processes that lead to better operational and financial metrics; and enhancing a company's resource pool with added bench strength that we can provide either on a short term or permanent basis. We leverage our global delivery capabilities to streamline operations, maximize cash flow and reduce administrative overhead for our clients, thus enabling them to focus on delivering quality client service.

Details about Boomerang Global
Frequently Asked Questions about Sangram Londe
Sangram Londe currently works for Boomerang Global.
Sangram Londe's role at Boomerang Global is Workflow Coordinator.
Sangram Londe's email address is *** To view Sangram Londe's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sangram Londe works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.
Sangram Londe's colleagues at Boomerang Global are Rahel Shaikh, Vaibhav Dhole, Shahab Ahmed, Shivani Gaikwad, Manoj Sawant, Shubham Shinde, Prashant Madake and others.
Sangram Londe's phone number is ["6027518023"]
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