Sangwoon Na

Digital Specialist at Cartel Creative, Inc. - , ,

Sangwoon Na's Contact Details
South Korea
Cartel Creative, Inc.
Sangwoon Na's Company Details
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Cartel Creative, Inc.

, , • 10 Employees
Marketing & Advertising

Cartel Creative Inc. is an urban lifestyles marketing, event production, and TV contents developing company dedicated to the promotion of youth culture. In a globalize economy and culture, we have become the leading advocate of the international urban youth movement in Korea and work closely with the artistic expression of today's international urban culture. intimately involved in the history of this culture overseas and with the birth of this new movement in Korea, Cartel Creative Inc. has become Korea's leading ambassador of goodwill, using the many facets of underground culture (music, dance, art and fashion) as the foundation of exchange and the basis for a positive reflection of our youth and society. with a rapidly growing grass-roots base and in-depth understanding of Korea's fastest growing youth culture, cartel creative Inc. has positioned itself as this culture's premiere liaison and corporate marketing and branding consultant

Details about Cartel Creative, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Sangwoon Na
Sangwoon Na currently works for Cartel Creative, Inc..
Sangwoon Na's role at Cartel Creative, Inc. is Digital Specialist.
Sangwoon Na's email address is *** To view Sangwoon Na's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sangwoon Na works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.
Sangwoon Na's colleagues at Cartel Creative, Inc. are Minwook Kim, Gun An, Chanjun Jung, Dust Park, Soonho Park, Cartel Team and others.
Sangwoon Na's phone number is
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