Researcher and Principle Investigator at UoW Centre for Nutraceuticals - London, England, United Kingdom
The Centre for Nutraceuticals is a first-of-its-kind initiative in the area of nutraceuticals, supplements, and functional foods. It will act as a catalyst for improving health and wellbeing guided by research and innovation. The Centre seeks to be a globally recognised source of scientifically validated knowledge to better inform governments, regulatory bodies, the industry and consumers.It launches from a springboard of established international partnerships, with past and current engagements with national governments and sector-leading corporate organisations.The core expertise of the Centre is unique and distinctive. The focus areas including supplementation and functional foods transcend disciplines that range from nutrition and public health, physiology and metabolism, and formulation science and nanotechnology.The Centre will focus on the following activities:Collaborative, contract research and consultancy projects (product development, analysis and validation services, and clinical testing via human intervention studies)Subject relevant training (B2B and B2C) and CPD-certified lectures, workshops and eventsKnowledge dissemination via publications, conferences and public engagements