WALLOBOOKS is a hyper-cool Reading Room + Skill LAB run by children to shape their own future.-We walk up to all kinds of places in India, collect 100 kids and help them build a hypercool Reading Room of their own using just a wall - and so we call this a WALLOBOOKS. We equip it with a startup grant of 100 books (and a world map, a light bulb and a few more things :) and elect a little leader to run it. Together we create a Skill LAB to help them learn & grow and shape their own future, magically.--164 CENTERS. 49000 CHILDREN.Join a powerful movement of hope.--Let's build a wallfor all we need is bricksto limit a dreamand climb over each other.Let's build a wallto keep them outand let go.Nobody is looking.Let's build a wallto dam a riverwin an electionkill a generationand bury a billion ideas.Lets build a wall.Or let's meet 100 kids,give them 100 booksand break a wall.