Software Developer (Level - I) at C3IT Software Solutions - Put, Maharashtra, India
C3IT is an IT services and product company that helps organizations bring about business transformation using insights from digital platforms and intelligent process automation. Our expertise has enabled many organizations across industries achieve key business objectives of driving organizational efficiencies, reducing costs, and improving ROI for stakeholders. Our Customer base includes Fortune 500 and mid-tier enterprises in the Retail, Manufacturing, BFSI, Pharma, Renewable Energy and Hospitality domains, spread across US, Europe, India & APAC. Our award winning IP 'Proceso', offers DIY SOP automation facilitating Time, Device, Identity and Location compliance for front line and white collar workers. Mobile-first and flexible, the platform fosters employee engagement and helps to build a connected workforce for desk based and non-desk workers. Proceso enables digital transformation bringing multi-fold efficiencies. C3IT fully supports the principle of Equal Opportunities and the company is committed to satisfying this principle in all its activities and published material. "We invite YOU to converge with C3IT"