Global Marketing Support Team at Mega-Inliner® - Valkenswaard, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Mega-Inliner® offers shippers and carriers all over the world to their specifications a build to order high-tech Inliner to be used in our associated tank container units. A 250 HL Mega-Inliner® weighing less than 17 KG, can be installed in less than 5 minutes by one person only. It's as simple as you think. Using 14 layers high-tech foil with 2 integrated 10 microns EVOH high barriers we achieve an Oxygen Transmission Rate of < 0,5 which is unique in this world. Products can be shipped with a temp range of -8°C up to 55°C.Making cleaning, rinsing previous loads restrictions obsolete, 100% aseptic, kosher and halal loads possible. The Mega-Inliner® can be used in the corresponding tank container units, together the Mega-Inliner®System, with capacities up to the future composite SWAP tanks of 30.000 litres transporting all non hazardous liquids.When the customer uses the Mega-Inliner® System they will reduce on total LOGEX, OPEX with at least 30% up to 75% depending on type of cargo and volume.The Mega-Inliner®System can be used for transports on road, rail and boat for deep and short sea. The Mega-Inliner®System has a tremendous added value for events and city logistics. Supplying high volume of quality beer & beverage as mass dispensing on large scale events and can be used as a mobile autonomous city hubs for on premises beer delivery, supplying smaller E-trucks city deliveries.The Mega-Inliner System can also support Military and NGOs missions, having a significant contribution, supplying in an extremely short time high volumes of clean and safe drinking water, hot water, hot soups and other nutritious liquids for aid when there are humanitarian disasters. We are a company based in The Netherlands, although just started the management team has over 100 years' experience in liquid bulk logistics & Solutions.