Store Supervisor at The Nilgiri Dairy Farm Pvt.Ltd - Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Joy of shopping at NilgirisNilgiris, the visionaries in retailing were amongst the first to venture into retail convenience stores. Nilgiris is a well established brand that is synonym with freshness, quality and fair price amongst the Indian populace for over a 100 years.Designed to meet the needs of the modern Indian house-holds, the stores offer a unique shopping experience. Freshness, Quality and fair price are assured. The stores are stocked with Fresh Fruits & Vegetables, Dry Fruits Staples, Pulses, Spices & Groceries Personal Care Products, Dairy & Dairy Products Bread, Confectionery, Pastries Nigliris has its own ultra modern, hygenic facilities for Diary and Dairy products Bakery & Confectionery Pastries Automated inventory tracking and billing systems take the hassle out of your shopping and speed up the entire process. A Customer never encounters a ‘No Stock' placard. Excellent ERP system is leveraged to ensure adequate stocking at all stores.Nilgiris has partners with several quality conscious suppliers and has excellent systems to source and distribute its products.