LiveTalksISM- The Official Podcast show of IIT(ISM) Dhanbad is happy to announce the imminent launch of our newest podcast series #Saturdaysuspense.Every episode of #saturdaysuspense has been designed to bring you an all-round package of fun, adventure and some kind of value add to your personality.#Saturdaysuspense will be a blend of conversation and character work from some of the very famous and successful minds in order to mine out the diamonds they have created over the course of their lives.Each episode of #Saturdaysuspense will treat you to a fun, free-flowing, in-depth conversation between leaders of different industries and one of your favourite writer or singer.These will be the stories behind the stories that you read every day on a lot of websites, the big ideas, and the fun anecdotes that often get missed in the crush of the unrelenting news cycle."We're here for a good time not a long time!" and so are you.