Senior Quality Assurance Specialist at MindNerves Technology - Elmwood, Louisiana, United States
The whole thing about any idea is how it changes lives for the better. We, at MindNerves, have realized and imbibed the culture of thinking solutions.Solutions, which are practical and with long-term benefits.Whatever industry you are in, if you can't afford a solution, then it's not a solution.Solutions that empower your business consistently may not be everyday occurrences and we understand that. And yet, we choose to be naive and intend to get right down to correct it.MindNerves' central tenet is around Technology, Design and Expertise. However, we view those as tools, methodology and discipline. ‘Solutions' is our primary language, which drives us to transform your business vision into value-based reality. We are also interface focused. In our world, the users trigger the thought train; it makes them feel familiar at once. To explore without fear. To feel confident in finding ways to accomplish the task at hand.At MindNerves, we seek to achieve the perfect blend of form and function. We have the right mix of scientists and dreamers, and we live with the belief that everything can be bettered, ever so slightly…always! We didn't have this direction/focus when we started in 2012. And our managementteam takes pride in achieving a consolidated restructuring of execution discipline - by late 2013. While Technology still remains the DNA of our solutions, and we maintain high competence in the area, we no longer carry a bias or prejudice towards any particular technology.Our execution focus has matured from building ‘easy-to-develop' solutions to building ‘easy-to-use' solutions. This change has witnessed many customer delights, and we're recording good repeat business as well as referrals. So, our beliefs have strengthened on the fact: We're obviously doing something right!We have taken the cliché: "Your success is our success" to another level, by building an ecosystem of trust. We will tell you if we're not the right fit for your needs.suggest