Jumpstarting™ Learning Skills is a company devoted to ‘Rethinking Dyslexia and Redesigning the Solution'. Using a ground-breaking process which was developed by Olive Hickmott of Empowering Learning, Sara Haboubi and Paula Montie have coached hundreds of children and adults, helping them become more confident readers and spellers. We have also trained staff in over 40 schools in the UK and Ireland. Sara is an international speaker on the subject. We see dyslexia not as a disability but as an expression of neurodiversity. For more information, visit www.JumpstartingLearningSkills.com, follow us on Twitter @jumpstartingLS and have a look at our Jumpstarting™ Learning Skills Facebook Page. Jumpstarting™ Learning Skills offers a unique opportunity for you to use the latest developments in neuroscience so you can help your students discover and remove their blocks to learning. Using a combination of meta-cognition, modeling excellence and a coaching approach you will learn how effective use of mental imagery is the missing link in the learning process for many struggling students. Many teachers are feeling frustrated that despite their best efforts and the considerable investment in learning support and resources, we still see around 10-15% of students continuing to struggle to learn the basic skills necessary for academic success. The Jumpstarting™ Process is based on the Empowering Learning principles as developed by Olive Hickmott and is supported by the most recent research in neuroscience regarding the brain and learning. The main tenet is that rather than using a medicalised, deficit model to address learning challenges, we can achieve far more with an asset based model, focusing on talents and areas of natural strength.