Kalalou is a leading designer and supplier of the most unique, fun, and fascinating products to be found in the home accents, garden decor, and gift arenas. For 30 years we have traveled the lesser known corners of the world in an effort to bring to market "that look"... our look... the look that has blazed a path in our industry and not only weathered, but triumphed with incredible growth over the worst economy in our lifetime. As you learn more about our staff & detailed service, commitment to working with recycled/sustainable materials, and dedication to improving the lives of those within the regions we travel and work, we hope you'll see that we truly do aim to be an exciting and responsible vendor! "Kalalou, a word of Creole origin that refers to a stew of many ingredients and spices, ideally prepared and enjoyed with family and friends. {For Kalalou}, the "ingredients" include colors, textures, whimsy, artisans, recycled materials, different countries, repurposed objects and lots of imagination." - Home Accents Today, 9/22/10