The ODOC mission echoes the Oregon constitution: To promote public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. First and foremost, ODOC protects public safety. Secondly, ODOC holds offenders accountable and requires them to take personal responsibility – both for their crimes and for their behavior within ODOC institutions. And third, ODOC allows for rehabilitation or reformation through programs and services. This combination ultimately contributes to successful reintegration back to society. The department has custody of adults sentenced to prison for more than 12 months, housing approximately 14,500 adults in 14 state prisons throughout the state. ODOC is recognized nationally among correctional agencies for providing adults in custody with the cognitive, education, and job skills needed to become productive citizens when they transition back to their communities. Due to these efforts, Oregon’s recidivism rate is about 28 percent. The ODOC seeks to employ career-oriented candidates and offers employment opportunities in a wide variety of challenging occupations. Most of our career opportunities are permanent, full-time positions available in one of our institutions located throughout the state. No matter what your career aspirations are, a career with our department provides for personal growth, advancement and the opportunity to serve as part of a team of dedicated correctional professionals.