Sara Wood

Experiment Technician at Seed-X - Magshimim, Center District, Israel

Sara Wood's Colleagues at Seed-X
Inga Balter

Marketing Communications Manager

Contact Inga Balter

Jos Heldens

Operations Manager EU & Turkey

Contact Jos Heldens

Nimrod Daniel

Deep Learning and Computer Vision Algorithms Developer

Contact Nimrod Daniel

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Sara Wood's Contact Details
Monterey,California,United States
Sara Wood's Company Details
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Magshimim, Center District, Israel • 30 Employees

Using advanced machine vision technology and customized deep learning algorithms, Seed-X revolutionizes the entire seed breeding and production cycles.Seed-X identifies genetic traits of seeds & crops based on their phenotype features and transforms this big data into a new market standard that remodels the entire industry.Bringing together global leading experts in advanced Al technology, computer vision and deep learning combined with our genetics, biomolecular and agronomics specialists, our team is our core asset.Using advanced artificial intelligence, Seed-X technology detects the most important genetic traits from the Seed phenotypical appearance. With our unique machine vision technology and customized deep learning algorithms, we use the data gathered from seeds' images and identify genetic traits related to the crop that is growing from each and every seed.

Details about Seed-X
Frequently Asked Questions about Sara Wood
Sara Wood currently works for Seed-X.
Sara Wood's role at Seed-X is Experiment Technician.
Sara Wood's email address is *** To view Sara Wood's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sara Wood works in the Research industry.
Sara Wood's colleagues at Seed-X are Omri Cohen, Dana Raz, Inga Balter, Jos Heldens, Nimrod Daniel, Asaf Shemesh and others.
Sara Wood's phone number is
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