RISE is a center providing Early Intervention Programme that entail a holistic development across a range of children on Autism Spectrum Disorder. Part of what we do at the center is to ultimately prepare children for admission into mainstream learning institutions. We believe in equality in education opportunity entitling every child a chance to learn.At RISE, we provide individualizes education plan to ease children's learning process by bridging competency gap where confidence instilment works best. We believe in achieving little steps through sustainable development of a child in realizing their full potentials by understanding their interaction with their environment. RISE Objective A- For young toddler group – Play group, it is Learning through play it is a fundamental concept used in teaching. Learning is based upon toys, simple activities, and academic materials such as books, worksheets and flashcards.B- For Early intervention programmes-It is structured learning environment encompass various teaching techniques and materials Preparation for mainstream education.Improvement in children's' communication and gross motor development.