Everything you do for your business comes back to making a sale, right? Today, sales doesn't sell– at least not like it used to. Your prospective customers make their buying decisions not only based on what they need but who's providing it. You may be the best in your industry, but when buyers view your website, they don't find any value. You have all of your facts, figures, and accolades listed, but you don't have anything about the customer. What does this mean? Your competitor gets the sale.More important than what you're selling, your customers care about who you are. Share with them your history, your why, and the values that drive you. Sprinkle in a little bit about your personal life too. There's nothing quite like doing business with someone whom you share an interest with. You're too busy running your business to make sure your website copy and blog posts are up to date. The creative copywriter comes in to take one more thing off of your plate and make your business stand out.