The status quo is collapsing and only through changing our minds can we change the world! Our mission is to enhance people's lives, their communities and the global collective through personal development and inner work. By guiding individuals on their courageous inner journey, we can establish an empowered community inspired to co-create a new world together. Our Guru Free courses, offerings and events are for those who want to gain an entirely new sense of self, a deepening of purpose and authentic fulfillment. The Guru Free Philosophy offers new ways to teach and learn that empower you rather than creating co-dependent dynamics. We are pro-teacher, pro-mentor, and pro-guide as long as the dynamics of power are shared rather than in a questionable or even invisible struggle.Our vision is a Call for a Revolution in Consciousness where everyone is empowered and free! 'As humans, we are prone to looking externally for solutions and often give our power away without even realizing it. What if instead of externalizing our search, we found what we needed through self-inquiry?' - Ciela Wynter, CEO & Founder