Sarah Geyskens

Careerteam at VTK Gent - Ghent, Oost Vlaan, BE

Sarah Geyskens's Contact Details
St-Pieters-Leeuw, Flemish Region, Belgium
VTK Gent
Sarah Geyskens's Company Details
VTK Gent logo, VTK Gent contact details

VTK Gent

Ghent, Oost Vlaan, BE • 50 - 99 Employees

VTK (Vlaamse Technische Kring) is an independent, non-profit, student run organisation for all Engineering students of Ghent. VTK has over 1850 members and organises sports-related, cultural and very importantly: job related activities.

Details about VTK Gent
Frequently Asked Questions about Sarah Geyskens
Sarah Geyskens currently works for VTK Gent.
Sarah Geyskens's role at VTK Gent is Careerteam.
Sarah Geyskens's email address is *** To view Sarah Geyskens's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sarah Geyskens works in the College/University industry.
Sarah Geyskens's colleagues at VTK Gent are Karel D'Oosterlinck, Jari Craecker, Maxim D., Lauranne Roelants, Thibaut Dewaele, Eline Smits, Jan Severyns and others.
Sarah Geyskens's phone number is N/A
See more information about Sarah Geyskens