I have been an exhibiting fine artist since 1964 but believe in what I refer to as; "ones primary goal should be, the collection of knowledge & information, that must eventually be shared..." That being said, over the past 60 plus years I have taken jobs in as many different lines of work as time would allot. This "collection" began with a swimming teacher at age 13, Minnesota Nat. Guard, joined at age 15, followed by 4 years in U.S. Navy (Florida and Cuba) & after honorable discharge; I went sailing through & around the Bahama Islands. Back to Minnesota for undergrad school, a total of 5.5 years, then art teacher, both public, private and college, and I also worked part-time as a, pizza cook, auto repairman, bar tender and club bouncer. In addition I have been a full time truck driver, deputy sheriff, cabinet designer, customer carpenter, Home Builder & restoration contractor, ski instructor, lumber & hardware sales at Home Depot, and custom ceramic tile creator and installer.