Sarah Johnsen

Udannelsesleder at UCplus A/S - N/A, N/A, DK

Sarah Johnsen's Contact Details
Middle Jutland, Denmark
UCplus A/S
Sarah Johnsen's Company Details
UCplus A/S logo, UCplus A/S contact details

UCplus A/S

N/A, N/A, DK • 100 - 249 Employees
Professional Services software

UCplus A/S er leverandør af chaufføruddannelser til transportsektoren: Bus, Taxi og Lastbil med afdelinger 3 lokationer i Danmark og 4 i Sverige.Udover chaufføruddannelserne er uddannelsescentret også hjemsted for en omfattende sprogskolevirksomhed.

Details about UCplus A/S
Frequently Asked Questions about Sarah Johnsen
Sarah Johnsen currently works for UCplus A/S.
Sarah Johnsen's role at UCplus A/S is Udannelsesleder.
Sarah Johnsen's email address is *** To view Sarah Johnsen's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sarah Johnsen works in the Professional Services software industry.
Sarah Johnsen's colleagues at UCplus A/S are Lykke Collett, Lasse Jensen, Ulrich Schnell, Pernille Brund, Nada Ghadban, Merete B., Mette Axelsen and others.
Sarah Johnsen's phone number is N/A
See more information about Sarah Johnsen