Physical infrastructure isn't glamorous or flashy, but when designed and maintained properly it insures the reliability and availability of your critical business systems. Potencia Technologies Inc. specializes in providing physical infrastructure solutions for critical IT and Facility environments. By working with a number of world leading manufacturers in the fields of UPS, power distribution, IT enclosures, and cooling we are able to insure high quality solutions that support customer system availability requirements. Service support is critical to getting the performance and ROI needed from physical infrastructure items like UPS's, power distribution hardware, etc. We support our customers throughout the lifecycle of these systems by providing assistance with the design and implementation of preventative maintenance programs that reflect their site availability requirements. In addition to recommending and assisting with the supply and implementation of hardware solutions for IT environments we are also able to bring a range of value added consulting services such as site audits and design services to assist our customers with the development and maintenance of their critical IT and Facility infrastructure environments.