In order for your marketing strategy to be successful, it must be multi-faceted and contain the wide variety of elements required to grow brand awareness and cement your relationships with customers. FACETS Marketing, located in Asheville, North Carolina, is a marketing consulting firm that offers a full consortium of marketing services to lifestyle, cycling and adventure sports brands. Our aim is to assist clients in all aspects of brand development, corporate identity, strategic planning, art direction, global marketing, public relations, content generation, social media, and distribution strategy, including product segmentation, product design and development. We have a proven track record for successfully building and managing products and brands that we couple with a focus on innovation, strategy and data-driven insights across both traditional and digitally-focused marketing channels. By first actively listening to your needs, we can then assist you in developing an effective plan of action relevant to your objectives. Your company may need all facets of marketing or only a few to bolster an already successful program. We will tailor our services to fit your needs.